SGS-Dissertationspreis 2019

Christian Vater gewinnt den SGS-Dissertationspreis 2019

Im Rahmen der 11. Jahrestagung der SGS wurde zum dritten Mal der SGS-Dissertationspreis vergeben. Gratulieren möchten wir an dieser Stelle Dr. Christian Vater, der seine Promotion an der Uni Universität Bern bei Prof. Dr. Hossner ablegte.

Der Titel seiner These lautet: "Einfluss der peripheren Wahrnehmung auf die motorische Kontrolle".
Die kurze Zusammenfassung seiner These lautet: "In his dissertation entitled „Influence of Peripheral Perception on Motor Control”, Christian Vater examined the functionality of peripheral perception, which seems to be used to monitor other players in team sports like soccer or basketball. The dissertation results support this predicted functionality and show that peripheral perception is used for a) the monitoring of multiple objects, b) the detection of motion changes of these objects and c) the avoidance of costly eye-movements (information suppression). On a theoretical level, three potentially distinct mechanisms of peripheral perception were proposed. In his postdoc phase, Christian Vater will research these mechanisms to be able to provide some “gaze-anchoring suggestions” for sports practice."

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!